Foto de Srta Parker Marra
Srta Parker Marra
ID: 500527
  • 25/07/2014


    1998- Marie


    Potterhead, Little Liar, Divergent, Selecionada e Geração Brasil.

    What if? ( Lily Luna e Nate Dursley)

    Ships. Jilly, Hinny, Blackinnon,Scorose, Teddy&Vic, Drastoria

    Friends share secrets, is what keeps us close. -A

    I'm still here bitches. And I know everytihg. -A

    "Os sorrisos mais doces guardam os segredos mais sombrios ..."

    "Sabe o que dizem sobre a esperança... Trás tristeza eterna."

    "As garotas ricas roubam, as bonitas mentem, as espertas se fazem de burras e as burras passam seus dias tentando ser tudo isso."

    "Boys play with toys, girls play with boys."

    "believe you are better with a well-told lie than tell the truth to the wrong person in the wrong place"

    Casa : Slytherin

    "It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not. "

    "Proud to be represented by the snake"

    " We have Albus Potter bitch "

     Apaixonada pela Megan Lily (não sei porque)


    srparkermarra mudou seu nome para Srta Parker Marra28/07/2014