Chá & Contos escrita por snowflake

Capítulo 21
I love her

Notas iniciais do capítulo

esse capítulo foi todo escrito em inglês
para quem entender, boa leitura

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

I always see everyone so happy, and I can’t understand why I’m not happy.

Because, okay. I’ve got a family, and a house to live, and food to eat. But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about feelings.

I’m in love with someone, and this person already tell me that “we will never be together”, and I’m trying to think “hey girl, wake up to the real world”. But I just can't do this.

This person, this girl who I'm in love, said that no one in the whole world could love her, and no one will like her, and no one will accept her.

But, SURPRISE! I'm not "no one". I will love her, and I will accept her just the way she is. 

We started our relationship in september, and we broke up in october. It's february and I still have feelings for her.

I guess I never stopped.

I always love her, but she’s blind, and she can’t see my love for her.

It hurts so much.

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