The Fame (Interativa) escrita por The Stranger

Capítulo 9
Why we Can't do This?

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Mas esse capítulo tem menos que mil palavras, sim.
E nãot em muita coisa mesmo. é um castigo por vocês demorarem tanto pra comentar.
Bem, o capítulo tem duas músicas, e uma delas é original, FEITA POR MIM, porém na história ela foi escrita pelo Logan. Sem plágio por favor, tudo o que está aqui será registrado daqui uns dias.
Músicas do Capítulo:

Logan sings: Why we Can't do this? - Logan Wickfall
Harley, Cat & Safira sings: Keeps Getting Better - Christinna Aguilera

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

“This, was not a fairy tale, so say it loud again

So loud that I can hear you. Crying

Why, you play with my heart?

Why we go so hard? Cause I really won’t understand

Baby, I need to forget, I need to get, you out of my mind

But now, I’m falling again. Like play the replay

And you don’t want to know.

Why we go so hard, we go so hard, why we won’t stop?

I think I’m falling, again

I know, I need you, but I can’t say it loud

We can’t start now baby ,

But, tell me why we can’t?

You say that don’t need me

Why you have to play this hard?

Now I can’t stay away, from you

Baby, tell me why we can’t?

Tell me why we can’t do this?

Oh, Baby.

This, is my last try

Please, don’t ask me why

Please, don’t leave to the bottom

Play, your favorite game

But I need to say, that you’re pushing me to my way, again

Whooa, Whooa, Whoooooooa.

I think I’m falling, again

I know, I need you, but I can’t say it loud

We can’t start now baby ,

But, tell me why we can’t?

You say that don’t need me

Why you have to play this hard?

Now I can’t stay away, from you

Baby, tell me why we can’t?

Tell me why we can’t do this?

Keep moving, keep trying

I keep running, keep drowning

My heart beats, on this beat

But I need you, Why we can’t do this?

I think I’m falling, again

I know, I need you, but I can’t say it loud

We can’t start now baby ,

But, tell me why we can’t?

You say that don’t need me

Why you have to play this hard?

Now I can’t stay away, from you

Baby, tell me why we can’t?

Tell me why we can’t do this?”

Logan terminou de cantar, e os outros ficaram impressionados. A música era realmente boa para ele mesmo ter feito.

Todos o olhavam com um sorriso no rosto, mas Alice o desejava. Mesmo que não assumisse, a loira supria uma paixão super secreta por Logan.

Enquanto todos olhavam para ele, Logan tentava esquecer o beijo que dera em Taylor mais cedo. Mas não tinha como, o garoto de cabelos cacheados ainda estava em sua mente, e aquele beijo também.

Nunca gostara de garotos, mas Taylor... Além de ser um cara super legal, eles eram parecidos em quase tudo. Mas não podia, não era certo iludir o garoto, quando ele gostava de apenas de garotas.

Será que eu gosto mesmo só de garotas? Logan se perguntava, enquanto Cat, Harley e Safira subiam ao palco.

A melodia começou. Era Keeps Getting better, da Christinna Aguilera.

“Cat: Step back!
Gonna come at ya fast
I'm driving out of control
And getting ready to crash

Harley: Won't stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man

Safira: So baby, yes I know what I am
And no I don't give a damn
And you'll be loving it

Cat, Harley & Safira: Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps getting better…”

As três desceram do palco, com o microfone nas mãos.

“Safira: Kiss, kiss
Gonna tell you right now
I make it sweet on the lips
I'll simply knock you out
Cat: Shut up!
I don't care what you say
Cause when were both in the wind
You gonna like it my way
Harley: Yeah baby, theres a villain in me
So sexy, sour and sweet
And you'll be loving it

Cat, Harley & Safira: Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps getting better

Hold on
Keeps getting better
Hold on
Keeps getting better…”

Cat ficou na frente de Nic; o garoto dera em cima dela a noite toda, ela precisava dar uma sensualizada. Começou a rebolar para ele.

“Cat: In the break of the night
In the speed of the light
I hold the universe up
I'll make your planets collide

Safira: When I strap on my boots
And I slip on my suit
Harley: You see the vixen in me
Becomes an angel for you

Cat, Harley & Safira: Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps getting better

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps getting better

Hold on
Keeps getting better
Hold on
Keeps getting better!”

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Notas finais do capítulo

Logan vai ficar com neura do beijo do Taylor
Cat sensualizando para o Nic
Alice apaixonada no Logan
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