Foto de biamonteith
ID: 289267
  • 10/03/2013

  • R.I.P. cory monteith - você sempre estará no meu coração grandão..

    Amo glee, pll e gossip girl.

    Meus shipps são finchel, quick, brittana, chair, ezria, haleb, spoby.

    Meus maridos são: finn (forever in My heart), puck, chuck, Ezra, caleb, e toby.

    Being a part of something special makes You special. - rachel berry.

    Life is too short to be serious. - cory monteith

    Love is how You stay alive, even after You are gone. - cory monteith



    bia2000 mudou seu nome para biamonteith25/04/2014