Vamos falar de amor? escrita por Hirobelana

Capítulo 7
3? (Number three)

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

Let's talk about love?

Let's talk about Hoseok.

Hope, the love that won over my love, and taught me to love myself.

The sweetest love.

The happiest love.

The love that filled my thoughts with good and happy things.

The love that made me see joy just by looking at the blue sky, or cloudy autumn.

To understand my weaknesses and sorrows.

Of the brightest or dark colors that appear inside me.

On a musical note.

In a choreography.

Teaching me to be more attentive to the details, in the different timbres, or even in the lyrics of a song.

Not to care what people think of me. But yes, define who I really wanted/want to be.

No pressure at all.

Only to get through this discovery, through the adventure of self-knowledge that I would live (and I'm living).

Getting to know me more, accepting me more, and loving me more.

So the love I discovered existed in me would gain more strength and credibility, in the love I felt and feel every time I remember you.

Knowing now that love is sweet and happy.

A combination of sensations and flavors that will always make me remember with longing how good it was to have loved and been loved by Hope.

From my love for Hop.


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