FABERRY - Big Sister escrita por AllLimaLosers

Capítulo 1
Born to die

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Bom essa é a minha primeira Fanfic. E bem não sei muito bem o que dizer. Até o fim;

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/600856/chapter/1


O telefone tocou. Uma, duas, três vezes.

Onde estou? O que aconteceu?

Essas são as perguntas mais frequentes na minha cabeça nesse momento. Não consigo me lembrar de nada. Levei minha mão até a minha cabeça que latejava. Mal conseguia enxergar, apenas o senti. Sangue. A minha volta tudo rodava. Tive um vislumbre de ferro retorcido, até que perdi meus sentidos;

Born To Die

Feet don't fail me now

Take me to the finish line

All my heart it breaks every step that I take

But I'm hoping that the gates

They'll tell me that you're mine

Walking through the city streets

Is it by mistake or desire?

I feel so alone on a friday night

Can you make it feel like home

If I tell you you're mine

It's like I told you honey

Don't make me sad, don't make me cry

Sometimes love's not enough

When the road gets tough

I don't know why

Keep making me laugh

Let's go get high

Road's long, we carry on

Try to have fun in the meantime

Come and take a walk on the wild side

Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

Choose your last words

This is the last time

Cause you and I

We were born to die

Lost but now I am found

I can see but once I was blind

I was so confused as a little child

Tried to take what I could get

Scared that I couldn't find

All the answers honey

Don't make me sad, don't make me cry

Sometimes love's not enough

When the road gets tough

I don't know why

Keep making me laugh

Let's go get high

Road's long, we carry on

Try to have fun in the meantime

Come and take a walk on the wild side

Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

Choose your last words

This is the last time

Cause you and I

We were born to die

We were born to die

We were born to die

Come and take a walk on the wild side

Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

Don't make me sad, don't make me cry

Sometimes love's not enough

When the road gets tough

I don't know why

Keep making me laugh

Let's go get high

Road's long, we carry on

Try to have fun in the meantime

Come and take a walk on the wild side

Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain

You like your girls insane

Choose your last words

This is the last time

Cause You and I …

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Notas finais do capítulo

Bom, sempre esteve na minha cabeça Glee fizesse um tributo. Então, essa história estava já formada na minha mente. Lana del Rey+Glee.(Born to Die é um solo da Quinn como se ela estivesse no Clipe sendo carregada por um boy descamisado.)

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