Ago(u)ra escrita por

Capítulo 85
Little joy

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Se você não conhece Rodrigo Amarante (Los Hermanos), Fabrizio Moretti (The Strokes) e Binki Shapiro, disponha-se do seu tempo pra conhecer, e se aprofunde no assunto.
Tente não desacreditar a música brasileira totalmente.
(Take it like a little joy.)

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

A lot of joy, in pieces.

A joy broke, time of thieves.

The joy brokes, the joy leaves.

The heaven is flower, you are a soul closer,

Closer with me, in the Sun, when the Moon's time is over.

Who are she what put the smile in my palm, cover?

What are these sounds in the horizon, chasing my ears to dance?

They look to me twice and say: He is so weird.

I don't understand them, but my eyes are still crying blood

I go to the car, and I smoke, but then I'm still isn't good

But when I lost every things, every people and every words

I found the hapness like a simphony, smells like a cooked meat,

And the leaves and the ground now are my new world

I'm in the vehicle, but I haven't place to sit.

I cannot ryme anymore, the poetries are not anymore my toy

Then: In this time, I have a smile to spend, I have hellos to say

And to myself, in the rest, a especific kind of a little joy.

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Notas finais do capítulo

"No, don't watch me dancing."

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