Poetry And Nothing More... escrita por SakyChan

Capítulo 20
Dirty, Dirty Party

Notas iniciais do capítulo

"Walk, walk down the street

Looking for some new shit

You saw some freaky chicks

It doesnt matter if shes a bitch"

adorei essa parte não sei pq, estava inspirada hehe

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/150904/chapter/20

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Dirty, Dirty Party


(I have a confession…

It’s something that I…

I can’t hold on anymore…)


So, hey, hey

I’ve never see you before

Tell me if you want more

Cause there’s a place downtown

Where we can go around

Even it’s just for fun

We can even get drunk

Hey, don’t be shine

It’s just tonight


Walk, walk down the street

Looking for some new shit

You saw some freaky chicks

It doesn’t matter if she’s a bitch


It’s a dirty, dirty party (yeah)

Freaky, freaky party (oh, oh)

Dirty, dirty party (so)

Keep holding your gun

Cause we like some dirty fun


It’s a freaky, freaky party (yeah)

Dirty, dirty party (oh, oh)

Freaky, freaky party (so)

Let’s turn them out

Til sun comes back around


So, hey, hey

Can you hear, this beat is sick

Can you see all this freak?

Where are my keys?

You’ve lost your beer

But we just want to have fun

And now we’re drunk

So go, explode the bomb

Turn her on


Walk, walk down the street

Looking for some new shit

You saw some freaky chicks

It doesn’t matter if she’s a bitch


It’s a dirty, dirty party (yeah)

Freaky, freaky party (oh, oh)

Dirty, dirty party (so)

Keep holding your gun

Cause we like some dirty fun


It’s a freaky, freaky party (yeah)

Dirty, dirty party (oh, oh)

Freaky, freaky party (so)

Let’s turn them out

Til sun comes back around


Maybe I’ve drunk too much

Why I’m seeing you rush?

But the music don’t stop

So baby just go, don’t slow

Dance the electronic beat

Don’t miss the heat


Maybe I’ve gone some far

Cause it’s being so hard

Feeling all their energy

And they are claming for me

I’ll not give up

I’ll just take it off!


Walk, walk down the street

Looking for some new shit

You saw some freaky chicks

It doesn’t matter if she’s a bitch


It’s a dirty, dirty party (yeah)

Freaky, freaky party (oh, oh)

Dirty, dirty party (so)

Keep holding your gun

Cause we like some dirty fun


It’s a freaky, freaky party (yeah)

Dirty, dirty party (oh, oh)

Freaky, freaky party (so)

Let’s turn them out

Til sun comes back around


It’s a dirty, dirty party (yeah)

It’s a freaky, freaky party (oh, oh)


It’s a dirty, dirty party (yeah)

Freaky, freaky party (oh, oh)

Dirty, dirty party (so)

Keep holding your gun

Cause we like some dirty fun


It’s a freaky, freaky party (yeah)

Dirty, dirty party (oh, oh)

Freaky, freaky party (so)

Let’s turn them out

Til sun comes back around


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Notas finais do capítulo

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