Poetry And Nothing More... escrita por SakyChan

Capítulo 17
Today is a Bad Day

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Me imaginei tocando-a em um violão, imagens de guerras, fome, tristeza... como em um videoclipe. Pena que não sei tocar violão.
oPs hehe

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/150904/chapter/17

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Today is bad day


What is happening today?

What can I say?

Today is a bad day

The war begins

Everybody is seen

But what can we do?

For break this rules

I do everything

I speak many things

But nothing I change


What is happening today?

What can I say?

Today is a bad day


There is violence in every place

The fear is in their face

There isn’t more peace

So what we gone do?

I cannot lie

I’m afraid to

Where is the truth?

It’s gone

Where is the freedom?

It’s gone

Where is the love?


What is happening today?

What can I say?

Today is a bad day


They are breaking everything

They over with many things

There is the same thing in everywhere

Just tears and death

I almost can’t breath

We just see the heat and fear

Let’s speak the truth

What can we do?

What can we do?


For change everything

To do great things

That’s a big question

That’s a great lesson

That we need to learn

That we must to learn

To resolve all this problems

And bring peace for the entire world

For the entire world


What is happening today?

What can I say?

Today is a bad day

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Notas finais do capítulo

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