Poetry And Nothing More... escrita por SakyChan

Capítulo 1
The Curse of The Fallen Angel

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Porque eu a pus em primeiro? Não sei... Tirei o título de uma música de um mangá. E está escrita na versão do Anjo Caído e da Garota por quem ele se apaixona.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/150904/chapter/1

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The Curse of the Fallen Angel  


I’m dead but I’m still here

I’m not alive but I can breath

I’m here without you near me

I’m dead and you’re not here

With me


All the things, the mistakes I’ve done

The many rules I’ve broke all for you

I was banished without a deadly gun

But I don’t regret, you don’t regret too


Carrying a heavy and dead coffin containing your cold body

Your hands holding a crimson cross, and we’re not together

Wanting desperately to hold your warmness body, I’ve fallen

I’ve renounced, I’m a reneged, old dreams remains forever


They have stolen your old life

Fooled us with their wonderful lies

Changing the future with their hands

Don’t worry, time will pass like sand


And I’ll never be good enough

And I’ll never be strong enough

I’ll never be conceived in love

And I’ll never be cursed enough


How could I forget our first loved kiss?

They’ll never be capable to change this

Our bodies entwining in a deadly silent

Now I’m here asking forgiveness and dieing


Carrying my old soul, tired of unhappiness and tragedies

Always remembering what I’ve done, old reminiscences

We’d good plans for our future, now it’s just old fancies

And I will always remember of your intoxicating raciness


They have stolen your old life

Fooled us with their wonderful lies

Changing the future with their hands

Don’t worry, time will pass like sand


I’m dead but I’m still here

I’m not alive but I can breath

I’m here without you near me

I’m dead and you’re not here

With me


They’ve said that we blasphemed against everything

But we made an old promise of never fall apart

Even if we needed defend ourselves against the dark

Then they made their last move, our lost was hard


And we’ll never be good enough

And we’ll never be strong enough

We’ll never be conceived in love

And we’ll never be cursed enough

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Notas finais do capítulo

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