Foto de Lady Oswald
Lady Oswald
ID: 633488
  • 11/10/2015

  • "O universo é grande. É vasto, complicado e ridículo. E, às vezes, muito raramente, coisas impossíveis acontecem e nós as chamamos de milagres."

     - Doctor Who

    "Vês! Ninguém assistiu ao formidável

    Enterro de tua última quimera.
    Somente a Ingratidão - esta pantera -
    Foi tua companheira inseparável!

    Acostuma-te à lama que te espera!
    O Homem, que, nesta terra miserável,
    Mora, entre feras, sente inevitável
    Necessidade de também ser fera.

    Toma um fósforo. Acende teu cigarro!
    O beijo, amigo, é a véspera do escarro,
    A mão que afaga é a mesma que apedreja.

    Se a alguém causa inda pena a tua chaga,
    Apedreja essa mão vil que te afaga,
    Escarra nessa boca que te beija!"

    — Augusto dos Anjos



    "Okay then. That's what I'll do; I will tell you a story. Can you hear them? All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgement. All these people who's ancestors devoted themselves, sacrificed themselves to you. Can you hear them singing? Oh, you like to think you're a god. You're not a god, you're just a parasite, eaten out with jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of other. You feed on them, on the memory of love and loss and birth and death and joy and sorrow! So... So... Come on, then. Take mine. Take my memories. But I hope you've got a big appetite because I've lived a long life and I've seen a few things. I walked away from the Last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand. And I know things, secrets that must never be told and knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze. So come on then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!"

    —Doctor Who 



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