Foto de Beliectioner
ID: 294011
  • 22/03/2013

  • My mom told me one day to live my life until the love is found or love gonna get me down. She was right. - Nênê

    The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had. It's a mad world, boy. - Gary Jules

    I'm fine. - Me

    You hurt yourself outside, trying to kill the monsters inside. I know you. - Anonimous

    Deprimida, apenas tentando achar um lugar para me encaixar, sem amigos vivo a vida assim mesmo: sozinha.

    Make this pain stop

    I can't take this anymore

    I'm falling on the floor

    I dont have power to get up

    I think I need a breakup

    From this all shit life

    I'll catch that knife

    And slowly say goodbye

    To the cruel world.

    - Nênê





    Ins Shm II mudou seu nome para Beliectioner26/05/2013