Meu Diário escrita por Princesa do Parker

Capítulo 4
Natal (3/3)

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Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

POV Lilian

Um mês passou rapido e já era quase natal.Descobrir que ser prima do Justin não era ruim era maravilhoso.Eu podia conversar com ele contar tudo,me sentia otima quando ficava com ele.Já eramos melhores amigos,unha e carne.Não sentia mais tanta falta dos meu pais.As vezes o Justin me pegava chorando e me consolava.Alguns dias antes do Natal meus tios sairam para comprar os presentes.Eu e o Justin ficamos sozinhos.Ele estava na sala cantando uma de suas musicas no karoke.

-My friends say I'm a fool

To think that you're the one for me
I guess I'm just a sucker for love-
entrei na sala e comçei a rir dele.
-Que foi?-
-Você não se cansa de ficar cantando suas musica?-
-Não elas são legais-
Revirei os olhos.
-Vem cantar comigo-
-Eu?! Não obrigada não sou boa nisso e não sei nenhuma musica sua-
-Você já cantou alguma vez?-
Balançei a cabeça negativamente.
-Então como pode saber se é ruim?-
-Não quero descobrir isso-
-Só estamos eu e você nessa casa,se você cantar bem só eu vou escutar.Somo amigos ou não?-
-Ta bom-
Fui ate o karaoke escolhi uma musica que eu sabia da Demi.Wouldn't Change a Thing,achava ela linda.A primeira parte era a minha vez de cantar.Respirei fundo e começei a cantar.
Its like, he doesn't hear a word I say
His mind is somewhere far, away
And I don't know how to get there
And its like...
All he wants is to chill out-
O justin começou a cantar nas partes em que o Joe cantava.
-(She's way too serious)
(She's always in a rush)
He makes me wanna pull all my, hair out
(And interrupted)-
Quando dei por mim eu cantava um dueto perfeitamente com ele.
Its like, he doesn't hear a word I say
His mind is somewhere far, away
And I don't know how to get there

And its like...
All he wants is to chill out
(She's way too serious)

(She's always in a rush)
He makes me wanna pull all my, hair out
(And interrupted)

Like he doesn't even care
(She doesn't even care)

We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye

Like fire and rain
(Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane
(You can drive me insane)

But I can't stay mad at you for anything

We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)

But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing

She's always tryin'to save the day
Just wanna let my music play
She's all or nothing
but my feelings never change

(Why, does he try to read my mind?)
I try to read her mind
She tries to pick a fight
to get attention
(It's not good to psycho analyze)

Thats what all of my friends say

We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye

Like fire and rain
(Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane
(You can drive me insane)

But I can't stay mad at you for anything

We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)

But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing

When I'm yes, shes no
When I hold on he just lets go

We're perfectly imperfectt
But I wouldn't change a thing

Like fire and rain
(Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane
(You can drive me insane)

But I can't stay mad at you for anything

We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)

But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing

But I can't stay mad at you for anything

We're Venus and Mars
(We're Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars
(Like different stars)

But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a...
wouldn't change a thing. 
Quando terminamos eu estava cansada e feliz.Pulei no pescoço do Justin,eu havia descoberto que cantava bem e tudo graças a ele.

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