Vamos falar de amor? escrita por Hirobelana

Capítulo 13
6? (Number six)

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

Let's talk about love?

Let's talk about Taehyung.


The beacon that cleared the darkness that surrounded me at the most difficult time of my life.

A moment of fear, anguish and anxiety.

Terrified of a still uncertain future.

For the rapid change that my life was changing. At a speed I couldn't control.

How suffocating it was,

So suffocating that it was hard to even breathe.


His voice slowly soothed my heart,

In slow steps I took,

A long and difficult walk.

His voice slowly soothed my heart.

Not knowing how,

But you did.

And it made me love you.

Because it is impossible for me to forget someone who has become important for overcoming such a difficult process of my life, and not to love her in such a simple and just exchange.

The beacon that illuminated the darkness that surrounded me.


How can I not love you?

How can I not give you my full support, when you deserve this and more?

How can I not hope for your happiness when you gave it to me without me asking for it myself?

From the sincere and deep gaze,

Cozy hug,

Advice and mainly,

Your love.


Regardless of the uncertain future that surrounds us, I hope you know that I will be rooting for you.

Your happiness is a good way for you to tread, to follow.

From my love Tae,



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