Poem Of The Lost Souls escrita por that hill in the mist

Capítulo 1
Poem of the Lost Souls

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Poem of the Lost Souls

The bringer of the origins

The first one to ring the siren

Soul burned in the house of fire

Innocence ripped away

There is no escape from her inner hell

no matter how much she prays.

Then I came

to find what has been lost

Fragile and afraid

She has no fault

of what they made

When the sound can be heard

When you are sure it’s not heaven’s bell

It is time to get prepared

and say “Welcome” to hell.

So, I appeared

Hoping for an answer

Blinded by the world I created

Where truth itself has faded

I run through this place

waiting to hear your voice

Trying to dodge the punishment

which has come to me

in its own embodiment.

Here I am

And at the same time

I’m not

Constantly in danger,

my own identity

is not a safe spot

Carrying inside,

Life and death

The key to paradise, a path to pain

They took what was precious to me

But what he did

will not be in vain.

I find myself

Locked in a nightmare,

trapped in his wrath

This is the angel’s room

And I’m a sacrament,

I see pain, I see doom

Darkness seems to be the only way out of this loneliness, emptiness

He learned how to have her back,

he knew that he could

He knew that she would love him,

he knew that she would.

I got here pursuing him,

guilty blocked my mind

Suffering in oblivion, I'm just a slave of myself

I broke the order, I see that

the circle gets tighter, my hands get bloodier

The pact was corrupted,

prosperity, interrupted.

He had so much to live,

and, thanks to me,

he ceased to be,

ceased to see,

drowning away

For him, no light of the day.

Finally, the memories

Shattered, in pieces

I couldn’t accept it

So I created the perfect being, the righteous father.

The cold, the snow

Just my imagination

that could be destroyed by a single blow.

Calling, calling

to the depths of the fog

Punishment for the sins

Delusions, illusions

Your crimes

Your fights

Everything in your mind

turns against you,

and you can feel

It’s be killed or kill

Where there is no truth, nor lie,

where your hands shake, the chill.

You can't deny the past,

you can't hide from your destiny

It's time to pay

because this is your judgment’s day.

Arthur Ribeiro

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