Poemas da Alma escrita por Jennifer Green

Capítulo 10
Forever Together

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Um poema em inglês em que eu declaro meu amor por uma certa pessoa ;-)

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/735914/chapter/10

Forever Together


You probably don’t know yet

But you will always be mine

We are still going to get married

And I know we won’t regret

We will create a new joke everyday

And nothing will stand in our way


I know you prefer red

And I will always love blue

But our differences must be ignored

Because all I really want is you

Everyday I want to make you smile

And forget about real life with you

Even if just for a little while


As long as I’m alive

I will fight for our eternal union

We are best friends that adore being together

But that’s not enough, our love isn’t an illusion

I wish that one day in our lives

We decide to be forever together

So we can have each other every single day


Our union will forever remain

No matter what people say

Let’s get out of this friend zone

And love each other till the world ends

Together we will never be alone

Why can’t I get you out of my brain?

Just stay with me and stop driving me crazy

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Notas finais do capítulo

Espero que gostem :-)

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