Enamorados escrita por Millsforever

Capítulo 9
Detalhes do baile e Vestimentas.

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Fotos retiradas da internet, é claro.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/657492/chapter/9












You Da One - Rihanna.

You the one that I dream about all day
You the one that I think about always
You are the one so I make sure I'll behave
My love is your love, your love is my love

Baby, I love you, I need you here
Give me all the time
Baby we meant to be
You got me, smiling all the time

Cause you know how to give me that
You know how to pull me back
When I go runnin', runnin'
Tryin' to get away from loving ya
You know how to love me hard
I won't lie, I'm falling hard
Yep, I'm falling for ya but there's nothin wrong with that

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