College Parties escrita por Tlobe

Capítulo 33

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Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

bem, muita coisa mudou, aconteceu coisas ruins, mas eu estou melhor que nunca agora!

eu sei que eu sumi sumindo, mas to pensando em voltar. se tiver alguem que leia isso ainda, ne.

comentem ai, se ainda querem a fic de volta. 

tradicao musical kkk som na caixa thais:

This is not the end

This is not the beginning

Just a voice like a riot

Rocking every revision

But you listen to the tone

And the violent rhythm

Even though the words sound steady

Something empty's within em

We say yeah

With fists flying up in the air

Like we're holding onto somenthing

That's invisible there

Cause we're living at the mercy

Of the pain and the fear

Until we dead it

Forget it

Let it all disappear

Waiting for the end to come

Wishing I had strength to stand

This is not what I had planned

It's out of my control

Flying at the speed of light

Thoughts were spinning in my head

So many things were left unsaid

It's hard to let you go

I know what it takes to move on

I know how it feels to lie

All I wanna do

Is trade this life for something new

Holding on to what I haven't got

Sitting in an empty room

Trying to forget the past

This was never meant to last

I wish it wasn't so

I know what it takes to move on

I know how it feels to lie

All I wanna do

Is trade this life for something new

Holding on to what I haven't got

What was left

When that fire was gone

I throught it felt right

But that right was wrong

All caught up in the eye of the storm

And trying to figure out

What it's like moving on

And I don't even know

What kind of things I said

My mouth kept moving

And my mind went dead

Picking up the pieces

Nowhere to begin

The hardest part of ending

Is starting again

All I wanna do

Is trade this life for something new

Holding on to what I haven't got

This is not the end

This is not the beginning

Just a voice like a riot

Rocking every revision

But you listen to the tone

And the violent rhythm

Even though the words sound steady

Something emptys within them

We say yeah

With fists flying up in the air

Like we're holding onto something

That's invisible there

Cause we're living at the mercy

Of the pain and the fear

Until we dead it

Forget it

Let it all disappear


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