- The Crow - ||HIATUS|| escrita por Daughter Of Night

Capítulo 8
Recadinho :3

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Recadinho para vocês.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/516057/chapter/8

Olá caros fantasminhas que ainda não comentaram,tenho esperanças de que façam isso,oi para os que comentam e os que tem preguiça.Bom,o motivo do ''recadinho'' é o seguinte: Estarei me mudando e então não terei internet.Postarei quando possível em lugares possíveis,bom...apenas isso.A Fic ficará um pouquinho...hum...parada.

Para acabar com os espaços,colocarei uma letra de música.

The Hawk in Paris - Freaks

We have a flair for the shade and the in between
We like to run with the wolves from the darker scence
When we we turn the safety off, the shots are automatic
All our friends tell their friends we're so dramatic

We'll have you wrapped around our trigger finger
Clean key yellow, you're the skin for our stinger
We'll make you swoon, make it hurt just a little
We're the boys and girls and the freaks in the middle

We know the halls you walk are unforgiving
It's not the kind of place to find your place among the living
We have a plan, we've got the means for your liberation
you'll only have to blur the lines on a few ocasions

We have you wrapped around our trigger finger
Clean key yellow, you're the skins for our stinger
we'll make you swoon, make you hurt jus a little
we're the boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle
Boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle
Boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle

We have the cure for your crisis never patent pending
If you come along with us the doors are never ending
If you want to rule the world you've got to stop pretending
If you want to rule the world you've got to stop pretending

See, we've got them wrapped around our trigger fingers
Clean key yellow, they're the skins for our stingers
We'll make them swoon, make it hurt jus a little
We're the boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle
Boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle
Boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle
Boys and the girls and the freaks in the middle

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