The Vampires escrita por Aline Yagami

Capítulo 10

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

eu sei...essa fic deve ser a que tem mais avisos que voce ja leu mais esse aviso é realmente serio

eu preciso saber o que voce acha da fic. ate os meus leitores mais fieis me abandonaram :/ ...quero saber se a fic ta ruim por que ai eu excluo ela...espero que deem  sua opiniao...

já que tem que dar 100 palavras eu vou colocar uma musica minha preferida para vcs.... 

This Is War- 30 Seconds To Mars...(eles estavam no Rock In Rio...aaaahhhh)


A warning to the people
The good and the evil
This is war
To the soldier, the civillian
The martyr, the victim
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world, It's a brave new world

A warning to the prophet
To the liar, to the honest
This is war
To the leader, the pariah, the victim, the Messiah
This Is War

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world, it's a brave new world

I do believe in the light,
Raise your hands up to the sky
The fight is done, war is won,
Lift your hands toward the sun
Toward the sun, toward the sun, the war is won
Fight fight fight fight fight!

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world, it's a brave new world, it's a brave new world

A brave new world
The war is won
The war is won
A brave new world

I believe in nothing, not the end and not the start
I believe in nothing, not the earth and not the stars
I believe in nothing, not the day and not the dark
I believe in nothing, but the beating of our hearts
I believe in nothing, one hundred suns until we part
I believe in nothing, not in satan, not in god
I believe in nothing, not in peace and not in war
I believe in nothing, but the truth of who we are

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