12 Days Of Klaine escrita por Like A Klainer

Capítulo 4
December 15th

Notas iniciais do capítulo

This is just part of the chapter. I will post the rest later.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/293282/chapter/4

“I can honestly say, you’ve been on my mind, since I woke up today. I look at your photograph all the time.” Kurt walks up to the mirror and stares at himself. He looks at his photograph with Blaine from years way back, since when they started dating.

He walks downstairs. Flashbacks dance in his head of the day before. “I remember when we kissed. I still feel it on my lips. The time that you danced with me, with no music playing. I remember those simple things. I remember ‘til I cry.”

Kurt gets out of the house and stares at the tire marks in the snow. “But the one thing I wish I’d forget. The memory I wanna forget is goodbye.”

“I’m new here.” “I’m Blaine.” “Kurt.”

“You know my coffee order?”

“I love you.” “I love you too.”

“Please stop pretending that there is nothing wrong.” “I’m so sorry Kurt, I really am.”

Flashbacks dance in his mind. He scrolls down on his phone’s list of music, until he finally reaches the one he was looking for. “I woke up this morning and played our song. And through my tears I sang along.”

Its then that Kurt sees the five missed calls. All of them are from Blaine.

“I picked up the phone and then, put it down… ‘Cause I knew I was wasting my time, and I don’t mind.”

Kurt walks to the front steps

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