Escrevo para Você! escrita por carol_mouazzem

Capítulo 9
You just don't know it.

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Uma carta que eu fiz em inglês.
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Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

You just don’t know what it’s to stay in the window every day and every night waiting for you. Even knowing that you will never be there. You just don’t know what it’s have a life of dreams and more dreams, that will can’t realized. You just don’t know what is being alone all night in your room thinking about how your life would be if the person you love feel the same about you. You just don’t know how is painful having to learn in the most cruel, that life not stop for you can heal your bruised. You just don't know how I feel. You lie for me, shows a side that everyone will like. But inside, you are despicable and you don't know what love is. You think you can hide the truth, and which may hide your feelings and the feelings of the other people, so your life stay easier. But, I want you to know that life is not so, one day you will feel what I feel. You will be waiting all day in the window to see if the love of your life passes and greets you. You will spend nights alone in your room, imagining a perfect life beside the person you love. And however much you try to be loving, you just cannot. You just don't know. And you don’t make the slightest effort to try to get to know. You just don’t want to know how I feel. And sometimes get the impression that I am not the slightest difference in your life. As if I were just an ornament on your shelf. You are very important to me. It is my reason to write these things so beautiful, my reason to cry listening to music, my reason to smile when we're together with friends. And always think about you in my prayers, in my moments alone or even in those moments with friends, you are the only topic that I speak. But if even with all this, you don’t understand these things. I'll have to settle myself, because life follows its course and I can’t do anything against it. Just imagine. I'm sure that my lips are touching your someday. So when you see me on the street. Please, stop and hug me and kiss me. Because is the last time you will see me. Because I will disappear, I will kill myself, I will fly toward the sky, I will hide me of you, I will learn the love again, love other person, a person that love me of truth. I don't wanna be a fool again. ************************* Sometimes I want scream to the whole world just for say I LOVE YOU. And I go make this. And I hope you listen and understand that this is the truth. I want you to know…You are my superhero…Without you I am in constant danger. My hands tremble only because I am with you. I can’t see anyone when you are with me. Your eyes, your hair, your words, everything in you surprise me. I want be with you for the rest of my life. You’re the all I need. I can’t live without you. Because you’re my superhero. So come save my life.

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