A Irmã Mais Nova De Chaz Somers escrita por Bianca Machado

Capítulo 63
Capítulo 63

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/206599/chapter/63

O outro cap ja esta a caminho, estou demorando de postar porque estou ocupada com meus pais :/// Mais o cap esta ficando pronto e quando a acabar eu posto aqui *--*

Believe, believe, believe, believe

I don't know how I got here, uh
I knew it wouldn't be easy
But your faith in me was so clear
It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
But you knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at me now

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be
If you didn't believe (Believe, believe)

There were days when I was just broken, you know
There were nights when I was doubting myself
But you kept my heart from folding
It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
You knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at us now

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be
If you didn't believe (Believe, believe)

Where would I be, if you, if you
If you didn't believe
Wouldn't know, how it feels, to touch the sky
If you didn't believe, believe, believe

It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor
You knew one day I would be standing tall
Just look at us now

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be
If you didn't believe (Believe, believe)

Cause everything starts from something
But something would be nothing
Nothing if your heart didn't dream with me
Where would I be
If you didn't believe (Believe, believe)

Where would I be, if you, yeah
If you didn't believe
Wouldn't know, how it feels, to touch the sky, yeah
If you didn't believe, believe, believe
Where would I be
If you didn't believe

Muito orgulho de ser BELIEBER !

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