The Last Day escrita por Tah_13

Capítulo 1
Capítulo 1

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Essa é uma shot story, é um gênero de texto que é uma historia que ocorre no período de um dia. Eu fiz essa para um trabalho de inglês, então quando tiver tempo eu traduzo.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

Was my fist Tuesday in my holidays. Was 10:00 AM. The trip will be at 8:00PM. Just 12 hours

for a possible goodbye.

I gave good morning to Lucas and Ana Julia, I was so discouraged for the first day of the

worst holiday of my life. This was the last Good-morning before our Time getting 4

hours of difference. It was the school exchange to England. Why a place so far away

with over a thousand miles away? My boyfriend and my best friend would leave me,

here in this country, and I couldn’t do anything to change this.

Ana asked me to enter in the MSN, but she was with Dani in the phone helping she about the Biscoitão, but when she finish, she was so agitated and can’t wait for me, so

she decided call me on the telephone. My phone start ring and I just listen to the song,

was the music Lucky, it was almost the story of my dating with Lucas, friends who fall in love, I should remember to change the song.

When I answered, I imagined that she would ask something like that would be

ridiculous to take three giant bags, or if it would take one shoe of each color, or what

clothes to wear on the plane. Or just to say how much she was excited about traveling.

But I was wrong. She didn’t call to tell me not to worry about Lucas that she would take care of him. Not. She called me crying, crying a lot. I think it was just a joke, but it isn’t.

She was crying about LOVE. Yes, Ana was crying like a baby because she discover

she was in love for her best friend, Erick. All her happiness turns to anguish, sadness,

confusion and regret. Anguish to know she goes to a country so far and Erick goes to

United States, she was so excited and didn’t think would miss anybody, except me, of

course, and more than this, Erick also will travel, she was regret because not saw this

before, and sadness because she can’t do anything about it, and he has traveled last

night. And she was confusing because she wasn’t sure it was love, and she have no idea what could happen now, and she didn’t know if he felt the same felling that she, but all the school knows, he loves her, since a long time. And every body knows, except her.

I try speck with her, and for my surprise I comfort her, not she comfort me. During our conversation my cell phone makes a noise, and I read Lucas’ text message: “ Good morning honey, probably this is our last Good Morning, so I’m sorry to wake up late, I will miss you very much, I love you so much, please don’t forget me. I love you so.”

I started crying, a lot with Ana who was still in the phone, she bagged to me go to the airport, and Lucas too, so I will go, I need go, and nothing can stop me.

I turn off my phone and call to my mother to ask she to take me to the airport tonight, she confirm, even though I was very sad because the trip I was very happy to go to the airport say goodbye. The time pass very fast, was 2:00P, the lunch time. I eat some pasta and make some sweets to distracted me, and eat every thing during a movie ‘10 things I hate about you’. Next when was 5:30PM, I went to take a shower and choose my clothes and wait for my mum. I turn the radio in my songs of the moment: Goodbye, Avril Lavigne, and Goodbye from Ke$ha, my two sad songs of the moment, this songs say goodbye to they loves, Me and Ana’s song from the moment, but now probably Ana is listen Sofa Song, long story.

When I leaves the shower was already 6:30, I expected my mother has already comes, but not. She wasn’t in home, when I was going call she again I saw 8 new messages, OMG! I was calling she when my phone rings. She has a car crash, but she was ok, but the car was destroyed, and she can’t take me to the airport. I start cry. I call to everybody to see with someone could take me to the airport. Nobody, nobody, NOBODY. I think going with taxi or bus, but alone and in the middle of the night I can’t go to anywhere alone. I was crying a lot when I send a message to Lucas saying, sorry and explain about the car crash and saying that I love him and asking to he don’t forget me. And one to Ana, saying to don’t worry about Erick, asking to she have hope, because Erick will understand everything later, and the fact what she have discovered she loves Erick couldn’t destroy her trip, and I bagged to she be careful because she is THE disaster, and me and Erick what she alive when she returns to Braszil, and more important be happy and study hard, what she pretend not.

I go to my room crying and put my sleepwear without any hope. When my phone starts ring, but when I come it stopped, but in the same moment start again and I say Hello. I just discovered it was Erick because he said, he was specking very fast and he asked my address, I wasn’t understanding nothing. When I listen a car noise and some cars horns, when he said “Lê, Letícia, I don’t know how but I receive your message, what is this  history about Ana? It’s true? Wait, forget.” I listen more noise when he said “ I going to your house, I made a mistake and my plane is for today at 8:30PM, so run I will be in your house in minutes, I can’t be late. You have some things to explain to me.” I was having a nervous breakdown. What¿ How can this be possible, Erick should be in the U.S.A now. This just can be on thing. Fate.

I put a jeans, one t-shirt and when I was putting my shoe the bell start rings many times, I ran the stair and run to the door, I was so happy witch I forget my cell phone in my room. No problem, I was going to say Goodbye to Lucas and Erick was going to ‘talk’ with Ana. I have explain what happen to Ana and he has so happy and pensive… So Erick way, I really don’t know what pass in Ana’s head, but she is very crazy, and different, so she and Erick was a perfect pair, she was so happy and extrovert and he so quite. Like me and Lucas. So opposites attract.

I don’t know how I will go to home, I don’t know what my mum will think when she see that I not in home. But now I going to the airport.

When we arrive to the airport the Taxi leave us in the Wing B, Erick pick up his bag and we run, we run very fast, but was 15 to 8. We just have 15 minutes. We don’t have idea where they was. When we listen the call for the plane 234 to London. In the Gate16, so we run fast and fast with the bag car, we was two crazy teenagers running around the airport, when he stopped and pointed to the glass wall with speared the people with have already made the check in and was going to pick the plane. We saw the little group with Ana and Lucas should be. Inside the room, witch could only come enter who go pick that plane, we can’t pass, we cant get in and they can’t leave. Between us we just have a glass wall. All this journey to fail. I was looking for they in the middle of the group but I didn’t seen they. “where ere they¿” Asked Erick. “I don’t know!” I was very sad, I was trying don’t cry, but probably Ana and Lucas was in the plane waiting.

 All this crazy run to what? To they already be in the plane. Fate, idiot fate. Why you are doing this with me? I start crying. And Erick, who was very quite now give me a little hug. When I listen some screams, I look to that direction, because I know that voice, was Ana. I saw she, she was running witch Lucas next to she. A enormous happiness come to me. My tears stopped and me and Erick run in they direction. When Ana saw us she stopped and make s scared face and next the most big smile of the world when see me and next a THE scared face when saw Erick. She as a joke. Lucas look at me and stopped and come to me walking fast, but Ana have stopped, and didn’t make any move, like a statue. Erick walk to she. And I jumped in Luca’s arms and we kiss.

The time, pass a in seconds, everything make silence and I felt butterflies in the stomach. When I open my eyes I was already listen the last call for the plane. I back to the reality, he give me one last kiss, e hug and just stay there. My eyes betray me and let tears fall. I smile and he too. “Goodbye Life. Survive, because next this month we have the forever. I love you and I will miss you a lot.” He kiss me again, and go away, I was there alone, smiling and crying. Just looking they move to the gate, and next to the glass wall, and next to the plane and finally England. Ana in the middle of the way stopped and run to me give me a hug and go back running  and tuck a tumble, of course because without a tumble Ana isn’t Ana, she scream: Stay Happy! She gave her pass to the stewardess and into in the room.

Erick disappeared in the exactly Erick style. So I will have wait to know what this idiots make. This holiday will be hard, but everything will worth later, because  Fate make this, and The Fate know every thing what it do.

And I sure the last chapter will end with: “AND THEY LIVE HAPPY FOREVER”

While this is not a fairytale.

The fate help us tonight, Lucas almost lost his passport, and Ana have fond in a Sofa, like Sofa Song.

I was so happy when I remember, how I will back to home?

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Notas finais do capítulo

Devo agradecer a minha amiga linda maravilhosa Verônica por ter me ajudado a fazer, vamos tirar uma nota linda hahahaha.

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