Nothing Can Keep Me From You escrita por pau_ponny

"Wherever you are, that's where i'm gonna be
No matter how far, you'll never be that far from me
Some how i would find you, move heaven and earth to be by yourside
Oh i'd walk, this world to walk, beside you
No mountain could ever stand between us
No ocean could ever be that wide
No river too deep to keep your love from me
I swear it's the truth
Nothing can keep me from you
There's no race that i would not go to
No distance would ever be too far
To keep me away i'd always find a way
To show you it's true
Nothing can keep me from you"

Classificação: 13+
Categorias: the GazettE
Personagens: Aoi, Uruha
Gêneros: Romance, Yaoi
Avisos: Homossexualidade

Capítulos: 1 (2.234 palavras) | Terminada: Sim
Publicada: 07/11/2008 às 09:41 | Atualizada: 07/11/2008 às 09:41

Notas da História:

jvlasksfkag sei que tá uma bosta >—> surgiu a idéia do nada e


1. Oneshot
2.234 palavras