Demon Snack Love escrita por bocross

Capítulo 1
Demon Snack Love

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

[Verse 1]
Tastes like rats
kept in a lab
But makes water
in the absent mouth
of Queen Mab

Demon Snack Love!
What the hel­l is that?
My Alice swallows it,
but its flavor
is like scat

Harpy Sis like
Jack Bros like
Even the Four -Ten shaaare

Divines fight
For just one bite
I couldn't only staaare

I bought one, baaaby
Just to try out the
Demon Snack Love!
Woe is me! Could have bought a new gear!
I hate, I hate the
Demon Snack Love!

[Verse 2]
I really tried
To eat a bit
Couldn't ingest it,
so I threw it
to my Jinn

Demon Snack Love
There's no such thing
To eat that crap
will ruin your
digestive system

The sweet flavor
My bowels' lax horror
Fattier than laaard

But the single sight
Of this Demon Snack
Makes Mara go all haaard

I bought one, baaaby
Just to try out the
Demon Snack Love!
Woe is me! Could have bought a new gear!
I hate, I hate the
Demon Snack Love!

My eyes weep, baaaby
Too spicy, too hot
Demon Snack Love!
Had to pay a gullet transplant
Burned my whole throat!
Demon Snack Love!

Friendly demon quest!
They don't want just one sack
Nor one pack, what they want is a whole big stack
I can't turn my back
But my money lack...
Why do they have to ask
and demand Demon Snack??

Uuuuunlucky of myself
How could I buy this snack?
Feels like eating new-born's poo

Oooooh, there's a prize inside!
Demon card to my pride! features Bucca-Boo...

Uuuuunpalatable flavor
Such an unbearable favor
I did to the salesmaaaaaaan

Oooooh, he said it was tasteful
My naivete is blissful
I think I got scaaaammed


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