Angels By Chance - Destino Traçado - HIATO escrita por Juffss

Capítulo 3
Doce e único

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Ha... ultima parte dos meus aperitivos...

Esse cap. tem uma música cantada por três pessoas então vou fazer assim, já que ficar falando quem canta é meio dificil...

negrito - Mia
italico - Jullie
sublinhado - Renée
negrito, italico e sublinhado - As três.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:


- Vamos nós sentar?_ Emmett me perguntou com seu sorriso de covinhas.

- Vamos?!_ eu mais perguntei do que afirmei, ele me deixava tonta.

Ele riu e saiu me puxando para um canto. Lá havia uma mesa grande e ele juntou a do lado, que também estava vazia. Ninguém mais cantava, apenas o DJ mandava algumas musicas eletrônicas para todos ali presente. E eu encostei minha cabeça ao colo de Emm. Ele me deixava segura, protegida. Não sei quanto tempo ficamos assim, porém sei que poderia ficar assim o resto da minha vida.

- Ei, vamos voltar ao passado?_ uma voz pouco conhecida por nós, mas muito importante para mim gritou de cima do palco. (C.R.U.S.H. – Ciara)


You know,

It's been a while since I felt like this

The last time was high school

But this feelin'

I think he's so cute

And I wanna tell him so bad, but I can't


Mamãe, mesmo sabendo que se iniciava uma música, falou. Era como uma introdução do que estava para vir.



As meninas soletraram “queda”. Isso chamou minha atenção e Emmett se levantou comigo.


Yeah, I got one really bad

This is how he makes me feel


Ela sorriu. E então eu entendi, por mais que aquela era uma música fosse simples resumia o que ela sentia pelo meu pai. Seus olhares se encontraram e antes de cantar ela soltou uma risada inaudível.


He puts the beat in my heart

Everytime I see him

Thoughts are getting deeper

And I knew from the start

From "hi" and "nice to meet ya" 

I was blinded by his features


My girl said

"You're gone"

But I say

"Nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah"

She said

"See you're in love"

But I said

"N uh uh uh uh,uh uh uh uh uh"



C, is for your confidence, but I love the cool in you

R, is for the rumors they make, I wish that they were true

U, you put a smile on my face, you're unforgetable

S, is for your sexiness

H, I got to have ya


Got a crush on you

I love me some you

A big crush (big crush) on you

I love me some you

A big crush 


He knows the right things to say

I can't help but pay attention to everything he says

He says he has fun with me

It's been a while since we could do this

Tell me, what does it mean?


My girl said

"You're gone"

But I say

"Nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah"

She said

"C you're in love"

But I said

"N uh uh uh uh,uh uh uh uh uh"




C, is for your confidence, but I love the cool in you

R, is for the rumors they make, I wish that they were true

U, you put a smile on my face, you're unforgetable

S, is for your sexiness 

H, I got to have ya


Got a crush on you (crush) 

I love me some you (I love) 

A big crush (big crush) on you  

I love me some you

A big crush (I gotta have you) 


I can't control how I'm feelin' inside

I'm off the meter, he's always on my mind

Been a while since I felt this way

I don't know what to say when I see you

I get the chills when I look in his eyes

He's so beautiful

He's everything and more

Wanna see him everyday

Hope that he feels the same

He's a keeper


C is for your confidence, but I love the cool in you (confidence, you're so cool)

R is for the rumors they make, I wish that they were true (oh, you're true)

U you put a smile on my face, you're unforgetable

S is for your sexiness (sexiness)

H I got to have ya


Got a crush on you (I got a crush)

I love me some you (did you know it?) 

A big crush on you (wanna tell you bad - big crush - on you) 

I love me some you (I love me, some you) 



Ahhh ahh ah ah ah ahhh

Ahhh ahh ah ah ah ahhh

Ahhh ahh ah ah ah ahhh

Ahhh ahh ah ah ah ahhh


Os passos sincronizados deram o final instrumental da música. Emmett me abraçava por trás e descansava sua cabeça no meu ombro. Não estávamos a fim de dançar então não o fizemos. A música seguinte foi calma, nem era para dançar, acho. O som de piano começou e todos pararam para olhar para o palco (Cry – Rihanna)


I'm not the type to get my heart broken

I'm not the type to get upset and cry

Cause I never leave my heart open

Never hurts me say goodbye

Relationships don't get deep to me

Never got the whole in love thing

And someone can say they loved me truly

But at the time it don't mean a thing

Renée começou a cantar, sua voz se igualou perfeitamente a música não deixando a desejar.


My mind is gone

I'm spinning round

And deep inside

My tears ill drown

I'm loosing grip

What's happening?

I stray from love

This is how I feel


This time was different

Felt like I was just a victim

And it cut me like a knife

When you walked out of my life

Now I'm in this condition

And I've got all the symptoms

Of a girl with a broken heart

But no matter what

You'll never see me cry


Did it happened when we first kiss?

Cuz it's hurting me let it go

Maybe cuz we spent so much time

And I know that is no more

I should have never let you hold me baby

Maybe why I'm sad and he's apart

I didn't give it to you on purpose

Can't figure out how you stole my heart


My mind is gone

I'm spinning round

And deep inside

My tears ill drown

I'm loosing grip

What's happening?

I stray from love

This is how I feel


This time was different

Felt like I was just a victim

And it cut me like a knife

When you walked out of my life

Now I'm in this condition

And I've got all the symptoms

Of a girl with a broken heart

But no matter what

You'll never see me cry


How did I get here with you?

I'll never know

I never meant to let it get so personal

And after all I tried to do

Stay away from love with you

I'm broken-hearted

I can't let you know

And I won't let it show

You won't see me cry


This time was different

Felt like I was just a victim

And it cut me like a knife

When you walked out of my life

Now I'm in this condition

And I've got all the symptoms

Of a girl with a broken heart

But no matter what

You'll never see me cry


This time was different

Felt like I was just a victim

And it cut me like a knife

When you walked out of my life

Now I'm in this condition

And I've got all the symptoms

Of a girl with a broken heart

But no matter what

You'll never see me cry


All my life


Tão logo a melodia acabou Emmett deixou um beijo demorado sobre minha bochecha, sorri quando esse terminou. Me virei para ele e deixei meus braços caírem em volta do seu pescoço. O beijei. Um beijo doce e único, que me mostrava o quanto nós nos amávamos. Porque beijos não mentem.

- Eu te amo_ ele sussurrou enquanto tomávamos um pouco de ar.

- Eu também te amo, muito._ disse antes de lhe entregar um beijo rápido.

E ali começou uma música que conhecia muito bem, na verdade, acho difícil alguém ali não conhecer. O som que me lembrava aquele navio de sonhos me fez sorrir e Emmett me apertar mais contra seu corpo. (My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion)


Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you.

That is how I know you go on.

Far across the distance and spaces between us

You have come to show you go on.


A voz de Olivia deu o tom para que as outras entrassem na canção romântica que ela agora cantava.


Near, far, wherever you are.

I believe that the heart does go on.

Once more, you open the door

And you're here in my heart.

And my heart will go on and on.


Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime.

And never let go till we're gone.

Love was when I loved you, one true time I hold to

In my life we'll always go on.


Near, far, wherever you are.

I believe that the heart does go on.

Once more, you open the door

And you're here in my heart.

And my heart will go on and on.


You're here, there's nothing I fear.

And I know that my heart will go on.

We'll stay forever this way.

You are safe in my heart.

And my heart will go on and on.

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Notas finais do capítulo

Detalhes... Importantes

Gente eu estive pensando e vou fazer mais duas series uma pré e uma pos "Como é bom ser espião", e para ser uma trilogia de series perfeitas eu queria mudar o nome da fanfic.

De "Como é bom ser espião" para "Angels By Chance - (Nome da Temporada)"

E a Trilogia chamaria "Angels", com a primeira serie com o nome "Dangerous Angels", a segunda "Angels By Chance" e a terceira "Angels Spies"...

Mas queria saber a opiniao de voces...

