Foto de Samantha Smelts
Samantha Smelts
ID: 609519
  • 05/07/2015

  • Trouxa por Swan Queen


    heterossexual não praticante

    ''Slytherin? After all this time?'' ''Always. - Said Snape.''

    Distrito 2

    Once Upon A Time, Orange Is The New Black, Orphan Black, American Horror Story, Chasing Life, The Walking Dead, Faking it, Glee, The Returned, Hannibal, Under The Dome, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Law and Order SVU, CISNY, Skins, Switched at Birth, House, Weeds, Friends, Prison Break.

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    Pode chamar de Mands

    @CophineBr No Twitter

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    Samantha mudou seu nome para Samantha Smelts30/08/2015