Foto de Luis Velmont
Luis Velmont
ID: 432536
  • 09/02/2014

  • IAM ... Luanatico

    IAM ... Leanatic

    IAM ... Gleek

    Glee , The Vampire Diaries , Gossip Girl , Grey's Anatomy , Once upon a Time , Lost , Lost Girls , South Park , Friends , The big theory bang É The Pretty Little Lars

    1. Shiper Delena

    2. Shipper PezBerry

    3. Shiper Faberry

    4. Shiper Dantana

    5. Shiper Brittana

    6. Shiper Hemily

    7. Shiper Blerena

    8. Shipper Klaroline

    9. Shipper Nian

    10. Shipper Achele

    11. Shipper Heya

    17 anos
