Foto de Lia Mayhew
Lia Mayhew
ID: 340221
  • 09/07/2013


    Who am I ?

    That's a secret that i'll never tell



    Não sou nada.
            Nunca serei nada.
            Não posso querer ser nada.
            À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo.

            O mundo é para quem nasce para o conquistar
            E não para quem sonha que pode conquistá-lo, ainda que tenha razão.

    Crer em mim? Não, nem em nada.

    Álvaro de Campos  (Tabacaria) 





    ♥  Oh, wow. But you see... It's like nobody fucking business. And it's not exactly like anybody cares, so...

    ♥ I care. 


    Tintenhertz/ Coração de Tinta

     ♥ Os livros amavam a todos que os abriam, ofereciam proteção e amizade sem exigir nada em troca, e nunca iam embora, nunca, mesmo quando não eram bem tratados.



    ♥ You are a virgin who can't drive. 


     One Day

    ♥ What are you going to do with your life?

    In one way or another it seemed that people had been asking her this forever; teachers, her parents, friends at three in the morning, but the question had never seemed this pressing and still she was no nearer an answer. The future rose up ahead for her, a succession of empty days, each more daunting and unknowable than the one before her. How would she ever fill them all?. ‘Live each day as if it’s your last’, that was the conventional advice, but really, who had the energy for that? What if it rained or you felt a bit glandy? It just wasn’t practical. Better by far to simply try and be good and courageous and bold and to make a difference. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around you. Go out there with your passion and your electric typewriter and work hard at… something. Change lives through art maybe. Cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and well. Experience new things. Love and be loved. If you ever get the chance.That was the general theory, even if she hadn’t made a very good start of it.

    NatiiMaral mudou seu nome para Lia Mayhew30/05/2014