League of Legends - Zoe x Kayn Short Comics escrita por Cosmic Empress Spring

Capítulo 4
She's mine nerd

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/772949/chapter/4

Zoe was walking with Kayn, Talking about Lulu and how she's always taking care for both, Then, Ezreal appears, He was looking different from the last time they've met, then, he look at Zoe, he smiled and said

— Oh, Zoe, Wasn't expecting you here, and, Hi Kayn...

Kayn looked at Ezreal with despleasure and said

— Hi Ezreal...

— Hi Ezzy!

Kayn looked at Zoe shocked about how she called him, but he didn't said a word,then, Ezreal goes near Zoe and said

— So Zoe, want to hang out later? Lux will be busy with her family things, so, we can have a little time to chat a while

Zoe seems quite happy with the offer, but she asked

— Oh, Sure, But, Kayn can come with me?

Ezreal looked at Kayn from your head to your feets and said

— Hm... I'm not sure... I wanted to be only you and me...

Rhaast looked at Kayn and said

— Oh, Boy...

— Tsk... - Kayn said, knowing what Ezreal was planning something, then, without hesitating, he dropped Rhaast on the floor and grabbed Zoe, Ezreal looked at this scene and said

— Oh, Ok, I didn't know you guys are a couple

Zoe started to blush, she opened her mouth to say something, but then Kayn said

— That's right Nerd, She's my girlfriend

— K-Kayn!!!...

Zoe was so red, Ezreal just ignored and said

— Oh, Ok, fine, I will, talk with you later I think Zoe...

He started to step away, Kayn put Zoe on the ground, She was so embarrassed

— W-What was this?!... - She asked embarrased, Kayn answered

— Sorry... Couldn't see him flerting with you like this... The way you called him... this nickname that you gave to him...

— Oh, So... You're jealous Kayn?... Is this for real?...

Kayn looked away embarrassed

— N-No...

Zoe started to laugh and said

— Is this really for real? Is Shieda Kayn jealous?

He pulled her in his arms, he put his face super close to hers and said

— Say it only one more time... And I'll kiss you...

Zoe started to stare at Kayn deep in his eyes, they began to bring faces closer and closer, when they were almost kissing, Rhaast spoke

— Well, Hello there love birds, could you please pick me up now Kayn?!

They're both so ashamed

— S-Sorry...

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