D'Ela escrita por Carmen Rey

Capítulo 5
Epílogo e Epitáfio

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/608118/chapter/5

When you shot me those rare smiles                  

And tell silly jokes                                                                                           

It’s like a million stars in million skies                                         

Also like an old mirror that just broke          




Trying to remind myself that I need to forget too                

Beyond my beating heart                                                         

There’s a fragile shadow                                                                     

That you’ll never notice, hiding in your drawer                                 

That shadow, myself, keeps emotions and secrets from you                 

So I can be safe from this fog                                                            

That lives in your mouth and flies with me into the drawer                




Your eyes shine during the day                 

But they light out at night                                                    

You can’t get away                                                                               

So keep your eyes in the sky                                                  




I know how you can hide                                                       

Doing things that you think are right                     

Someday you’ll know how I like                                         

The way you laugh when you’re shy                   




I love the way you bite your nails when you’re nervous,               

Put your hands in your eyes when you’re tired               

Sometimes I do get jealous                                                               

And it’s because of you that I’m inspired                    




Your scent                                                                                                                

I’ll never forget it                                                                                               

I now have your mark and                                                               

You can’t save me                                                                               




She imagines his warm hug                                                       

He imagines her smile                                                                              

They don’t know love                                                                           

So they’ll be friends for a while                                




I see you in my dreams                                                               

Kissing girls who aren’t me                                                         

This isn’t gonna have a happy ending                                               

It’s just not meant to be                                                                                                   




Your actions speak louder than words                     

It’s not okay                                                                                                         

It hurts

Sorry, but the fault is yours                            

Somehow you have to stay                                                         

Fix this pain and make it go away





E como um aviso, uma folha caiu do bolso do meu casaco enquanto eu andava.

Um último poema.

Trilhou minha solidão como quem se aproxima devagarinho, e eu o peguei.

Era o último suspiro d’Ela. A última tentativa d’Ela. A última vez que alguém tentou, com mãos tão delicadas, tocar minha pele imunda.

As letras estavam borradas por lágrimas, mas não eram minhas.

Eram d’Ela.                                    




Your eyes are burning red                                 

They can’t see that it’s wrong                                             


They see it as a shield that is hard to come along                       

You don’t remember, you can’t be alone                   

Try to remember me                                                                                       

When you figure it out                                                                                            

How I’ve loved you just like this,                                         

And how you shot me out,                                                                          

How I tried to fix you                                                                            

Now you’re sad

You regret,

Lying on your bed

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Notas finais do capítulo

(Atualização de 23/05/2021)
Essa história tem uns cinco/seis anos de vida e ainda assim é uma das minhas preferidas. Não uso o Nyah há muito tempo porque aprendi que sou uma pessoa visual, não literária/ouvinte/escritora. Eu conto histórias e encarno contos desenhando. Perdi um pouco da manha de escrever e em compensação meus desenhos vão constituir um museu, então estou em paz com isso. Nem sei se ainda existe alguma alma viva nesse deserto que se tornou o Nyah, mas se existir, dê um sinal de vida!!! Eu ia amar relembrar os velhos tempos da minha adolescência. Que saudade. Que nostalgia indigesta.
Enfim. Pra mim foi bom lembrar, revisar e reencarnar. Espero que tenha sido uma boa leitura (se houver alguma) depois dessa atualização/limpeza que fiz ao encontrar esse conto nu e cru pegando poeira digital no meu Google Docs.