Stay - Short-Fic escrita por just a weirdo

Capítulo 1
Capítulo 1 - Stay

Notas iniciais do capítulo

# Oooooooi, eu sei, esses dias ando cheia de idéias, e para essa fic só falta escrever o último capitulo, tipo, são cinco ou seis, não me lembro agora...

# Espero realmente que gostem, beeeeeijos.

# Boa leitura.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:


Miley Cyrus

Well it's good to hear your voice

I hope you're doing fire

And if you ever wonder

I'm lonely here tonight

I'm lost here in this moment

And time keeps slipping by

And if I could have just one wish

I'd have you by my side

Oh, Oh I miss you

Oh, Oh I need you

And I love you more

Than I did before

And If today I don't see your face

Nothing's changed no one can take your place

It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more

Than you did before

And I'm sorry it's this way

But I'm coming home

I'll be coming home

And if you ask me I will stay

I will stay

Well, I tried to live without you

The tears fall from my eyes

I'm alone and I feel empty

God I'm torn apart inside

I look up at the stars

Hoping you're doing the same

Somehow I feel closer

And I can hear you say

Oh, Oh I miss you

Oh, Oh I need you

I love you more

Than I did before

And If today I don't see your face

Nothing's changed no one can take your place

It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more

Than you did before

And I'm sorry it's this way

But I'm coming home

I'll be coming home

And if you ask me I will stay

I will stay

Always stay

I never wanna lose you

And if I hade to I would chose you

So stay, please always stay

You're the one that I hold on to

Cause my heart would stop without...


I love you more

Than I did before

And If today I don't see your face

Nothing's changed no one can take your place

It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more

Than you did before

And I'm sorry it's this way

But I'm coming home

I'll be coming home

And if you ask me I will stay

I will stay

I always stay

Say you love me more

Than you did before

And I'm sorry it's this way

But I'm coming home

I'll be coming home

And if you ask me I will stay

I will stay

I will stay

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