The Angel Of Our Nightmare escrita por Lino Linadoon

Capítulo 13
This is Halloween!

Notas iniciais do capítulo


(Nota: Eu não quis colocar a tradução, então só coloquei a letra em inglês e fiz poucas falas e coisa e tal, porque no próximo... Ha! Pensou que eu ia contar né?)

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

   E finalmente, era Halloween! Mellody levantou da cama e correu até o quarto de seus pais.


                                            Boys and girls of every age

                               Wouldn't you like to see something strange?


                                         Come with us and you will see

                                           This, our town of halloween


                                    This is halloween, this is halloween

                                   Pumpkins scream in the dead of night


                                This is halloween, everybody make a scene

                            Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright


                                         t's our town, everybody scream

                                             In this town of halloween


                                       I am the one hiding under your bed

                                   Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red


                                     I am the one hiding under yours stairs

                                  Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair


                                        This is Halloween, this is Halloween 


                                 Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

                                                In this town we call home

                                          Everyone hail to the pumpkin song


                                          In this town, don't we love it now?

                                     Everybody's waiting for the next surprise


                                Round that corner, man hiding in the trash cam

                               Something's waiting no to pounce, and how you'll...


                                              Scream! this is halloween

                                              Red 'n' black, slimy green


                                                   Aren't you scared? 


                                                  Well, that's just fine

                                                Say it once, say it twice

                                          Take a chance and roll the dice

                                   Ride with the moon in the dead of night


                                        Everybody scream, everbody scream 


                                               In our town of halloween! 


                                   I am the clown with the tear-away face

                                   Here in a flash and gone without a trace


                                I am the "who" when you call, "who's there?"

                                  I am the wind blowing through your hair


                                      This is halloween, this is halloween


Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!Halloween!

                                        Tender lumplings everywhere

                                      Life's no fun without a good scare


                                    That's our job, but we're not mean

                                           In our town of halloween


                                     In this town d on't we love it now?

                                Everybody is waiting for the next surprise


                                Skeleton jack might catch you in the back

                                           And scream like a banshee

                                        Make you jump out of your skin

                                  This is halloween, everybody scream

                           Wont' ya please make way for a very special guy


                               Our man jack is king of the pumpkin patch

                                 Everyone hail to the pumpkin king now


                                   This is halloween, this is halloween

                          Halloween! halloween! halloween! halloween!


                                         In this town we call home

                                    Everyone hail to the pumpkin song


   La la-la la, halloween! halloween! La la-la la, halloween! halloween!



   “Nós conseguimos!” Exclamaram todos.

   “Não foi aterrorizante?” Perguntou o lobisomem.

   “Papai! Papai!” Exclamou Mellody pulando dos braços de Sally e correndo até Jack que a pegou no colo. “Isso foi incrível!”

   “Também achei.” Disse ele. “E um dia, você vai estar lá junto comigo.” Ele desarrumou seu cabelo.

   Mellody riu.

   “Tomara que esse dia chegue logo.” Disse ela dando um enorme sorriso.

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Notas finais do capítulo

Nota: Se você assistir o Estranho Mundo de Jack em inglês vai encontrar uma parte que não esta nessa letra da musica que eu coloquei: A parte da sombra do Monstro Verde na lua.
Eu não coloquei porque como ele havia sido derrotado antes(isso é o que eles pensavam), não teria mais ele.

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