Vamos falar de amor? escrita por Hirobelana

Capítulo 9
4? (Number four)

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

Let's talk about love?

Let's talk about Namjoon.

Nam - Jo - on,

I hope you're okay, that you're enjoying every day in no hurry.

Looking at each screen, colors, tones, new ways of thinking, reflecting and feeling.

Thinking more about you.

Wondering who you really want to be.

No charges.

But perhaps, as you reflect, think about it, you can find a new discovery about yourself.

A part that was always there, just waiting to be revealed and found by you.

A part that can achieve something far beyond what you can imagine.

Nam - Jo - on,

Thank you for always encouraging me, encouraging me not to give up, and looking forward to the battles that always come before me trying to stop me or discourage me.

Thank you for giving me courage.

Looking with affection and respect, to be inspired by the small (which are actually great) stories.

I thank you for not giving up on me, because you were the one who taught me not to be discouraged, to lead and to have control over my own life.

Regardless of circumstances, or fear.

Encouraging me to have courage and courage.

And most importantly, that I don't give up on myself.

Love me first, so that the love I can give, share is as genuine as how I feel for myself.

My love for Nam.



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