Bundones & Sacanojo - Piada dos Canto escrita por Suzanah

Capítulo 2

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Translate to English: Lucas de Andrade.

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/796143/chapter/2

Back in the day, I was probably around nine or ten years old when my parents were driving me home after school.

I believe either my mom or my dad was complaining about something when I said: "Bullshit" for the first time.

My dad was scared and said: "What's that Suzanah??" and I got frightened without understanding why and replied saying I heard that on school.

My father, sort of mad, told me this word shouldn't be used. Now I find it funny hahahahahaha.

Then my mom explained me that it was a bad word and, just because people said it, didn't mean I should also say it.

I understood and never said it ever since.

Some years later, my brother came up with a bad name: "Bundones".

Every day he would make an opportunity to call us assocks. Did I anything wrong and I would hear the phrase "It had to be the bundones of Suzanah!" or "Suzanah makes only bundonisse!"

And, as I was a child, I'd start getting pissed! So I thought in coming up with my own cursing word!

However, nothing was compared to "bundones"! I believe its meaning has something to do with "silly", "ridiculous", or something close with the word ass (Portuguese words). And, between us here, jokes about ass are childish and funny. The word ass itself is funny. If a doctor tells me to take a shot in the ass I would laugh a lot!

Anyway, after putting a lot of thought, I remembered my case with the word fuckery. So, I thought: "Sacanagem (Fuckery)+Nojo (disgust)= Sacanojo!". It was genius when I concluded my thought! I felt like Victor Frankenstein when he created the Monster!

Hands-on it was even better. In any situation I could say "What a sacanojo!" or "sacanojo" and not necessarily having to call anyone names, it was very versatile.

However, I would take an opportunity to call names when someone did something sort of piggish to say "What a sacanojeira!"

I ended up getting used with "bundones", it was pretty, I admit. And got even better when I could, also, add some vocabulary to the house.

And, further, I invented a new phrase to when someone commits a mistake with something we warned about. "There's where smoking gets you". But we say in a colloquial sense: "There's where smokey gets you". This phrase invented when I propped my hand in a grid and got burnt because my aunt's cigarette was there. What a bad luck! Hahahaha!

Many months, maybe even years, passed by and my second brother invented his: "shitted vulture!". He was in a haste to make a curse word for him. I go easy because he was a child. Years later, a little more grown up, he matured and invented "you trashes!". Sorta grown up, because he said it spontaneously, and amid anger, in a game he was playing in the video game.

And that's how everything started! Some phrases we use more and others less. But until this day we still use it because we were raised not saying bad words at home. I even like it, because it's a hideaway from the street who's a big dirty mouth!

Thank you!

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Notas finais do capítulo

Hello! If you enjoyed, share, put on favorites and comment here. I pretend making each chapter in a different language of the same one-shot story. If you know any languages, get in touch!

If you are to use any of this words or phrases, please be sure to give the right credits to SUZANAH CANTO, even if the phrases belong to my brothers. Because they aren't public people.


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