Mental Rant escrita por Pietrah

Capítulo 1
After Death

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

AFTER DEATH: consciousness goes out of your body, and you feel like you are everywhere, same as God: omnipresent and omniscient. You are kind of an energy and have the power of read people's mind. Telepathy. You might talk to little children using your mind, like you both understand each other. You see everything: your own body, people around you, people around the world. If you not come back to life, you reborn in a baby's body. I'm not sure about what happens with your knowledge and the experiences you had before, but someway you have the chance of evolution. In your first life you should be less smart, ignorant, what people call "a bad person". You don't have the skill of arguing yet. You will die and reborn a lot of times, living new experiences, meet different people and cultures and all of this will make you better. You will be generous and kind and very, very curious. You are going to feel that you are different than the others, that you see everything and people don't. Your point of view must be strange to people around you. In your last lives, you will be in peace most of the time. Things will be so simple sometimes that you may ask yourself how. You want to learn about every single thing. I like studying the Theory of Relativity (restrict and general), second war, psico stuff, etcetera, although I am a Portuguese/English/Literature teacher, and I love what I do. Maybe people can be jealous of you and, at the same time, notice that you are clever. I am saying things about me because it really makes sense in my mind, I don't want you to think that this is only because I want to tell the world "hey, I am proud of myself". But, yes, I kind of am. When I was four, I start reading. When I was five, I tell poems to persons without reading, written by famous Brazilian poets like Cora Coralina and Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Always was the first of the class, was the speaker in my High School prom and, in the first semester of degree, I was with three different scholarships. In the same semester, I started teaching English in schools and Portuguese to refugees and migrants. I also made an exam and could skip English materials because my teachers told me I was ready, even without English classes. I learn a lot by myself. For example: how to speak English - I'm not native and I know that I make mistakes but I still learning -, Japanese, Spanish, LIBRAS (Brazilian sign language), ASL (American sign language, also used in Canada) and playing keyboard. Anyway, I was not sure about my after-death-beliefs, and I still not sure and have a lot of questions, but I am feeling like the answers are coming slowly. I still asking "Are we the only living beings?" Because the world is endless and amazing and we only know a small piece of it. I do not believe in God, in a person that creates everything and everyone and gave us a destiny. But I believe in ourselves as "gods" if we can call it that way. Science says that we could have telepathy using more of our brains, as dolphins our whatever. We cannot discover our own brains! The universe is too big and we need to start from the beginning. Ufology. Study of UFOs - unidentified flying objects, E.T.s, whatever you call it. I believe it. Sounds crazy, but I believe that they are using the speed of the light and traveling between spacetime and abducting (crazy world, I know) people to know about our reproduction skills. Maybe they are having babies with humans and sending they here and this children have children, I am not sure. And I am not sure about what dyslexia means here - because dyslexics used to have this strange connection with this and exact sciences. E.T.s must be better than us in many aspects, and I believe that it starts with telepathy. And telepathy is a strange thing to think about, it is not like you think about one sentence at time. We can think about a lot of things at the same time and read it all can blow minds. I believe that they have these big, almond-shaped eyes. This chapter must be the craziest, and I beg you to keep reading because there is a lot of things in my mind and I need to share this. Maybe you can help me to find a reason to see everything in the past as Einstein said. Oh, talking about this chapter, you may don't know but Einstein wrote more or less six pages about ufology with Oppenheimer's help. If you are interested, I invite you to turn the page.

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