Uma Escola de cabeça para baixo escrita por Ana Paula Black Malfoy

Capítulo 56
Capitulo 56-Preparação para o baile e baile parte 1

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

Pov's Clarisse

–Astrid me ajuda aqui-eu estava com uns 80 vestidos na mão

–Desculpa-ela pegou-nós duas vamos experimentar tudo isso?

–Sim,os pretos e os vermelhos são meus,o resto é seu.

Provei uns 30 vestidos e eu achei o vestido perfeito,nada de vestido longo para mim,vou ficar em cima de um palco o baile todo.(

–Uau amiga,você esta linda.-falou Ast,ela estava com um vestido longo,Azul Marinho,com uma trança de lado,uma maquiagem bem forte e um batom vermelho,o que destacou seus olhos azuis claros.

–Você esta mais,agora vamos,os meninos devem estar nos esperando,só vou dar um oi para os dois e vou para o palco.-falei saindo com Astrid.

–Uau,vocês estão lindas.-falou Marcos.

–Oi garotos-falei dando um selinho rapido em Soluço e olhando no relógio dele-Puta merda,to atrasada para o Baile,tchau-sai correndo,sim,eu sei correr de salto.

–Clarisse,quase que nós começamos sem você,vamos começar com...-Falou Rafa.

–Eu não tenho medo.

–E com vocês a banda WINTER.-Nós entramos e começamos a tocar Fearless(


You used to make my heart pound
Just the thought of you
You used to be a cold wind
Always blowing though
But I wont take it anymore
That's not what I came here... For

I'm stuck in your head
I'm back form the dead
Get your running and scared
I'm fearless

I'm calling your out
I'm taking your down
Don't you came around
I'm fearless

I'm fearless

I get the upper hand now
And you're losing ground
You never have to fight back
Never lost the round

You see the gloves are coming off
Tell me when you've had enough, yeah

Ready for a showdonw
And we're face to face
I think i'll rearrange it
Put you in the place

You don't get the best of me
Check it, your afraid of me

I'm stuck in your head
I'm back, back from the dead
Get your running scered
I'm fearless

I'm calling your out
I'm taking your down
Don't you came around
I'm fearless
I'm fearless

I'm fearless

You used to make my hard pound
Just the thought of you
But now you're in the background
What you gonna do?

Sound off in you hear this
We're felling fearless
We're felling fearless-Pulei do palco-VAI TODO O MUNDO ME ACOMPANHANDO-Falei Dançando-I'm stuck in your head

I'm back, back from the dead
Get your running scered
I'm fearless

I'm calling your out
I'm taking your down
Don't you came around
I'm fearless
I'm fearless

I'm stuck in your head
I'm back, back form the dead
Get your running and scered
I'm fearless

I'm calling your out
I'm taking your down
Don't you came around
I'm fearless
I'm fearless

–UHHHHUUUUULLLLL-Todos gritaram.




–ALICE.-A garota é ninguem mais ninguem menos que Leonora.


Creeping out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fall down
Yeah, I fall down

I'm freaking out
So, where am I now?
Upside down
And I can't stop it now
I can't stop me now

I'll get by
I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I finally hit the ground
I won't turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

I found myself (myself) in Wonderland
Get back on my feet again
Is this real? (Is this real?)
Is it pretend? (Is it pretend?)
I'll take a stand until the end

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashin' down
When I finally and hit the ground
I'll won't turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashin' down
When I finally and hit the ground
I won't turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me!
I, and I won't cry

–MADE IN THE U.S.A-Gritou Gabriel.

–MADE IN THE U.S.A ,5,6,7,8(

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