Nobody Said It Was Easy escrita por Apenas um sorvetinho

Capítulo 74
Light it up tonight

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Ultimo capitulo do ano!!!
eu sim....
vamos lá então

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

Rachel Berry

Eu andava de um lado para o outro nervosa e vejo Blaine se aproximar.

–Rachel você está bem? - Blaine pergunta.

–Não! - Eu falo nervosa. - Acho que vou vomitar.

–Rachel relaxe. - Blaine fala. - Vai da tudo certo.

–Como pode ter tanta certeza? - Eu pergunto nervosa.

–Algum problema? - Finn pergunta se aproximando.

–Ela está nervosa. - Blaine explica.

–Nunca vi ela assim. - Ele fala.

–Não vão gostar! - Eu falo.

–Por que não gostariam? - Finn pergunta. - Gostaram de todas as outras.

–Mas as outras não eram originais. - Eu falo.

–O que? - Finn pergunta.

–O solo que eu vou cantar foi uma musica que eu fiz... - Eu hesito. - Quando vi você beijando a Quinn.

Ele fica sem reação e confuso.

–Rachel as garotas acabaram, é a sua vez. - Will fala se aproximando.

Eu fico ereta e vou em direção ao palco. Tudo está escuro e eu entro indo até o microfone e a musica começa a tocar. Respiro fundo.

Rachel (Coro)

What have I done
Wish I could run
Away from this ship going under
Just trying to help
Hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world
Is on my shoulders

What can you do
When your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down
Cause my best intentions
Keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take
Oh how many times will it take
For me to get it right
To get it right

Can I start again
With my faith shaken
Cause I can't go back and undo this
I just have to stay and face my mistakes
But if I get stronger and wiser
I'll get through this

What can you do
When your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down
Cause my best intentions
Keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take
Oh how many times will it take
For me to get it right

So I throw up my fist
Throw a punch in the air and
Accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair
Yeah I'll send out a wish
Yeah I'll send up a prayer
And finally someone will see
How much I care

(What can you do)
(When your good isn't good enough)
And all that you touch tumbles down
Oh my best intentions
Keep making a mess of things
Just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take
Oh, how many times will it take
To get it right, to get it right

Finn Hudson

Eu estava surpreso. Sabia que teria uma musica original, e que Santana a havia escrito. Mas fiquei surpreso com a musica que a Rachel escreveu para mim. Ela terminou de cantar e sorriu, houve aplausos.

–Com vocês, o New Directions. - Rachel fala e a musica começa a tocar e todos entram.


Hey-hey-hey you and me keep on dancing in the dark
It's been tearing me apart
Never knowing what we are
Hey-hey-hey you and me keep on trying to play it cool
Now it's time to make a move
And that's what I'm gonna do

Sam (Quinn)

Lay it all down
(Got something to say)
Lay it all down
(Throw your doubt away)
Do or die now
(Step on to the plate)
Blow the door wide open like


Up up and away


Let's light up the world tonight
You gotta give up the bark and bite
I know that we got the love, alright
Come on and li-li-light it up
Light it up tonight

Let's light up the world tonight
You gotta give up the bark and bite
I know that we got the love, alright
Come on and li-li-light it up
Light it up tonight


Hey-hey-hey you and me turn it up ten thousand watts
Tell me why we gotta stop
I just wanna let it rock


Hey-hey-hey you and me

Sam e Marley

keep on staring at the road
Like we don't know where to go
Step back, let me take control

Sam (Quinn)

Lay it all down
(Got something to say)
Lay it all down
(Throw your doubt away)
Do or die now
(Step on to the plate)
Blow the door wide open like


Up up and away


Let's light up the world tonight
You gotta give up the bark and bite
I know that we got the love, alright
Come on and li-li-light it up
Light it up tonight

Let's light up the world tonight

You gotta give up the bark and bite
I know that we got the love, alright
Come on and li-li-light it up
Light it up tonight

Hey hey hey you
Hey hey hey you
Hey hey hey you
Hey hey hey you you you you you


Lay it all down
Got something to say
Lay it all down
Throw your doubt away
Do or die now
Step on to the plate
Blow the door wide open like up up and away


Let's light up the world tonight
You gotta give up the bark and bite
I know that we got the love, alright
Come on and li-li-light it up
Light it up tonight

Let's light up the world tonight
You gotta give up the bark and bite
I know that we got the love, alright
Come on and li-li-light it up
Light it up tonight

Let's light up the world tonight
You gotta give up the bark and bite
I know that we got the love, alright
Come on and li-li-light it up
Light it up tonight

Aplausos encerram a apresentação do New Directions. Agora era esperar as outras.

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Notas finais do capítulo

o que acharam??
espero que tenham gostado!!
agora só ano que vem...
um bom ano novo para vocês!!!

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