New Directions, New Voices! escrita por MikeJ

Capítulo 11
01x10: Beyoncé!

Notas iniciais do capítulo

Músicas cantadas:

— 1+1: Kairin (

— Beautiful Liar: New Directions Girls (

— If I Were a Boy: Unique e Marley (

— Love on Top: New Directions (

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

O New Directions finalmente compete nas Sectionals, como era para se esperar eles ganham dos Teenage Rappers e Vocal Supreme. O que acontecerá agora? Saiba em...

01x10: Beyoncé!

Todos estavam reunidos na sala do coral, quando Sr. Schuester escreve no quadro branco: “Regionals”!

Will: Parabéns New Directions! Caminho para Regionals mais uma vez! Uhuul

Todos gritam e aplaudem.

Will: Como forma de treinamento, iremos fazer um tributo!

Talia: Evanescence!

Sugar: Pussycat Dolls!

Will: Não, não... o tributo dessa semana será em homenagem à uma grande mulher! Voz incrível, ótima dançarina, além de ser mãe... Beyoncé!

As meninas, principalmente Unique, celebram e gritam, os meninos ficam meio desanimados, em exceção de Jhony.

Jake: Aff, e nós garotos? Ficamos perdidos em meio a isso!

Will: Para com isso Jake, Beyoncé é uma Diva, uma estrela, todos podem cantar as músicas dela.

Kairin se levanta e vai para frente.

Kairin: Eu, como grande fã de Beyoncé, já quero me apresentar.

Will: Tudo bem, vai em frente!

Todos se sentam e a música começa a tocar e Kairin começa a cantar lentamente:


If I ain't got nothing
I got you
If I ain't got something
I don't give a damn
Cause I got it with you

I don't know much about algebra
But I know 1 plus 1 equals 2
And it's me and you
That's all you have when the world is through

Cause baby, we ain't got nothing without love
Darling, you got enough for the both of us
So come on, baby
Make love to me

When my days look low
Pull me in close and don't let me go
Make love to me
So when the world is at war
Let our love heal us all
Right now, baby
Make love to me
Oh, make love to me

Hey, I don't know much about guns
But I, I've been shot by you
Hey, and I don't know when I'm gon' die,
But I hope that I'm gon' die by you
Hey, I don't know much about fighting
But I, I know I will fight for you
Hey, just when I ball up my fist I realize
I'm laying right next to you

Baby we ain't got nothing
But love
And darling you got enough for the both of us
Make love to me

When my days look low
Pull me in close and don't let me go
Make love to me
So when the world is at war
Let our love heal us all
Help me let down my guard
Make love to me
Oh make love to me

Enquanto Kairin cantava, Lily , Marley e Unique faziam vocalbacks sentadas. Dando um efeito mais bonito para a música. Quando a música acaba Kairin agradece e todos a aplaudem de pé.

Will: Wow, isso foi... Incrível.

Kairin: Obrigada ^^

O sino toca e todos saem da sala. No corredor Sugar e Unique se encontram e começar a cantar. E vão andando, logo em seguida todas as garotas do ND estão cantando e andando pela escola.

[Unique] He said, I'm worth it, his one desire
[Sugar] I Know things about him that you wouldn't want to read about
[Unique] He kissed me, his one and only, yes beautiful liar
[Sugar] Tell me how you tolerate the things you just found out about
[Sugar] You never know
[Unique] Why are we the ones who suffer
[Sugar] Have to let go
[Unique] He won't be the one to cry

Kairin e Lily com ND Girls:

[Kairin] Ay! Let's not kill the Karma
Ay! Let's not start a fight
Ay! It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
[Lily] Oh! Can we laugh about it
Oh! It's not worth our time
Oh! We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

[Talia] I trusted him but when I followed you, I saw you together
[Sugar] I didn't know about you then till I saw you with him when, yeah
[Talia] I walked in on your love scene slow dancing
[Unique] You stole everything how can you say I did you wrong
[Sugar] We'll never know
[Kairin] When the pain and heartbreak's over
[Talia] Have to let go
[Kairin] The innocence is gone

Marley e Kitty with ND Girls:

[Marley] Ay! Let's not kill the Karma
Ay! Let's not start a fight
Ay! It's not worth the drama
For a beautiful liar
[Kitty] Oh! Can we laugh about it
Oh! It's not worth our time
Oh! We can live without him
Just a beautiful liar

[Lily] Tell me how to forgive you
When it's me who's the shame
[Kairin] And I wish I could free you
Of the hurt and the pain
[Together] But the answer is simple
He's the one to blame

Elas continuam andando até que param na sala do coral, a performance termina e Will e todos os garotos aplaudem de pé.

Ryder: Vocês foram ótimas!

Marley sorri para ele. E logo em seguida todas as garotas se sentam.

Will: Enfim, acho que por hoje é isso, porém estou gostando do que estou vendo. Nos vemos amanhã.

O sinal toca e todos saem. O dia passa, no dia seguinte, Unique estava sendo intimidada por dois garotos contra o armário.

Garoto 1: Trava! Sai dessa escola!

Garoto 2: Para de se esconder, você nunca vai ser uma mulher! Hahaha

Quando Marley aparece.

Marley: Hey, deixa ela em paz!

Garoto 1: Por que? O que você vai fazer nós somos dois!

Até que Talia, Sugar, Lily e Kairin chegam.

Talia: E nós somos em 5 otários!

Os garotos saem e deixam Unique em paz.

Unique: Obrigada amigas!

Sugar: Tudo bem, vamos pro clube Glee!

Chegando na sala do coral. Unique pede para cantar.


If I were a boy even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted
And go drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they stick up for me

Marley se levanta e vai cantar junto com Unique.

Marley e Unique:

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man


I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed


If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
So they'd think that I was sleeping alone

I'd put myself first
And make the rules as I go
'Cause I know that she'd be faithful
Waiting for me to come home, to come home

Unique e Marley:

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man


I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed


You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
'Cause you're taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy

Todos aplaudem. Ryder fica meio confuso e vai falar com Marley.

Ryder: Isso foi para mim?

Marley: Não se preocupe, eu só gosto dessa música, nada de mais, ok?

Ryder, faz que sim com a cabeça e eles dão um selinho. O dia passa, no dia seguinte, Sr. Schuester chega e fala para a turma.

Will: As performances foram incríveis, agora para finalizar, alguém tem alguma ideia?

Jhony e as meninas do ND se entreolham. O toque da música começa e mostra todos entrando e dançando no auditório.

[Jhony]: Bring the beat in!

Jhony e Talia:

Honey, honey
I can see the stars
All the way from here
Can't you see the glow on the window pane?
I can feel the sun
Whenever you're near
Every time you touch me
I just melt away

Unique with ND girls:

Now everybody asks me
Why I'm smiling out from ear to ear
(They say love hurts)
But I know
(It's gonna take the real work)
Nothing's perfect
But it's worth it
After fighting through my tears
And finally you put me first

Marley e New Directions:

Baby it's you
You're the one I love
You're the one I need
You're the only one I see.
Come on baby it's you

You're the one that gives your all
You're the one I can always call
When I need you make everything stop
Finally you put my love on top

New Directions Girls:

Come on Baby.
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top
You put my love on top
Ooo Ooo!
Come on baby
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top
My love on top
My love on top

Lily e Marley:

Baby, Baby
I can feel the wind
Whipping past my face
As we dance the night away
Boy your lips taste like a night of champagne
As I kiss you again, and again, and again and again

Kairin with ND girls:

Now everybody asks me
Why I'm smiling out from ear to ear
(They say love hurts)
But I know
(It's gonna take the real work)
Nothing's perfect
But it's worth it
After fighting through my tears
And finally you put me first

Unique e New Directions:

Baby it's you
You're the one I love
You're the one I need
You're the only one I see
Come on baby it's you
You're the one that gives your all
You're the one I can always call
When I need you make everything stop
Finally you put my love on top

New Directions Girls:

Ooo! Baby
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top
You put my love on top
Ooo Ooo!
Come on baby
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top
My love on top

Baby it's you
You're the one I love
You're the one I need
You're the only thing I see
Come on baby it's you
You're the one that gives your all
You're the one I that always calls
When I need you baby everything stops
Finally you put my love on top

A performance termina, porém na entrada do auditório, Jhony avistou duas pessoas e saiu correndo do auditório, Talia foi atrás dele. No corredor do vazio Talia consegue pará-lo.

Talia: O que houve? Por que você saiu correndo?

Jhony: Aqueles são meus pais...

Talia: E daí?

Jhony: E daí, que eles não sabem que eu sou gay e me viram cantando e dançando.

Talia: Mas e o que isso tem a ver?

Jhony: Eu não contei para eles sobre o Glee Club, porque eles são muito tradicionais e acham que isso é coisa de gays, daí eles vem na escola e me encontram em um?

Talia não sabia o que falar, então abraça Jhony, que começa a chorar. Ficando os dois abraçados sozinhos no corredor.

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Notas finais do capítulo

- Tributo a Beyoncé! Uhuul!

— Preconceito contra Unique continua...

— Os pais de Jhony aparecem na escola e o veem no Glee Club! E agora?

— A friendship: Talia+Jhony reaparece, algum nome?

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